Midaxo offers the ability to create calculated Cover Page fields fields. These fields can be used to calculate indicators, key metrics vital to your organization, KPI's or currency exchanges.
To create a calculated field:
- Settings > Process Settings.
- Select Cover Page from the column on the left.
- Click on +Add new field, and select Integer number or Decimal number field type.
- Toggle on Advanced Settings.
- The Formula accepts other Cover Page fields as input, referenced by external ID. The accepted fields types are: integer number; decimal number; date.
- The Formula accepts a variety of operators. In addition to the common ones (+ for add, - for subtract, * for multiply, / for divide), you can find a full list at the bottom of this article.
- Example: Created an integer cover page field called Revenue (MEUR) which takes the Revenue field and multiplies by 0.9.
- Every time we update the Revenue field, the Revenue (MEUR) field will adjust accordingly.
- The external ID for Revenue is revenue so this is what we use in the formula.
- On the Cover Page, calculated Cover Page fields will have a blue calculator symbol to the left of the field name, as shown below.
- Calculated Cover Page fields are Read Only fields.
- Full operator table
Operator | Name | Syntax | Example | Result |
(, ) | Grouping | (x) | 2 * (3 + 4) | 14 |
+ | Add | x + y | 4 + 5 | 9 |
- | Subtract | x - y | 7 - 3 | 4 |
* | Multiply | x * y | 2 * 3 | 6 |
/ | Divide | x / y | 6 / 2 | 3 |
% | Percentage | x% | 8% | 0.08 |
% | Addition with Percentage | x + y% | 100 + 3% | 103 |
% | Subtraction with Percentage | x - y% | 100 - 3% | 97 |
^ | Power | x ^ y | 2 ^ 3 | 8 |
and | Logical and | x and y | true and false | false |
not | Logical not | not y | not true | false |
or | Logical or | x or y | true or false | true |
xor | Logical xor | x xor y | true xor true | false |
? : | Conditional expression | x ? y : z | 15 > 100 ? 1 : -1 | -1 |
== | Equal | x == y | 2 == 4 - 2 | true |
!= | Unequal | x != y | 2 != 3 | true |
< | Smaller | x < y | 2 < 3 | true |
> | Larger | x > y | 2 > 3 | false |
<= | Smallereq | x <= y | 4 <= 3 | false |
>= | Largereq | x >= y | 2 + 4 >= 6 | true |