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To create a cross-project chart, similar to this Projects by Stage and Revenue bar chart, follow the steps below.
- +Element: Project table. (See an explanation of all Elements here.)
- Open Columns on the right side of the Slide, and select the fields you want to report on. For this example, Project Name, Stage, and Revenue are selected.
- Click on the chart icon in the top right (in yellow below), and then select the icon all the way to the left (3 vertical lines with circle) to open Chart Settings.
- Under Chart Settings, select the fields you want to report on. For this example:
- Category Axis: Project Stage.
- Grouped by: NONE.
- Scale: Decimal.
- Sort by: None.
Series 1:
- Value Axis: Revenue.
- Aggregate: Sum.
- Style: Bar.
Change Sort by: to Value, to Sort by, in this example, Revenue. Or, Sort by Category, which will put the Category Axis in alphabetical order. Change the Sort direction to Ascending or Descending.
Sort by Value:
Sort by Category:
You can add an additional sort by selecting a field under Grouped by. In this example, an additional sort for Region was added. The chart Style was also changed to Column.
You can Filter the report by Stage or any data field, by clicking the funnel icon (top right in Slide).
To Filter by Stage, +Group, and choose from the drop down list. Read about applying multiple filters here.