- Click on the line item (called a "Task" in Midaxo) containing the Document you would like to move.
- Tasks with Documents have a paper clip icon to the right of the Task Name.
- Under the Documents section, check the box to the left of the Document name.
- If you do not see a checkbox, you do not have permissions to move Documents.
- Once selected, a new action button will appear at the bottom of the page, Move Documents
- Click Move documents and select the task to where the document should be moved.
- Tasks are listed in alphabetical order. You can also use the search function in the upper right corner to find the Task you want to move the Document to.
- A Document can only be moved to one Task.
Please Note: VDR users cannot delete Documents from Midaxo Reach out to your contact via the Q&A tab to determine the preferred course of action for removal.