Before Pitchbook can be integrated into your Midaxo account, the following items must be completed:
1. Connect with a Pitchbook representative and secure the Pitchbook license(s). Let them know you are planning to integrate Pitchbook into your Midaxo account.
Please Note: It is typical for them to ask how many Midaxo licenses you have.
2. Connect with your Midaxo Customer Success Manager or Midaxo Support to finalize the contract terms and have the integration capability activated.
When both items above have been completed, request the API Token from your Pitchbook representative.
I have my Pitchbook API Token:
These steps must be completed by a Midaxo user with Admin permissions.
Log into Midaxo, go to Settings > Process Settings > Data MarketPlace.
Click 'Add Token' within the line for Pitchbook. It will say: Pitchbook API Token: No token set. Add an API token to enable the Pitchbook integration'.
Enter the API Token information as provided by Pitchbook, then click Create
Pitchbook has been added to your account. A green check mark will appear confirming the Token has been applied and is active.
Updating the Midaxo Insights data source:
Once Pitchbook has been successfully integrated into your account, it will be the default data source used within Midaxo Insights going forward.
On existing projects, the data source will need to be manually changed.
To change the data source from the existing to Pitchbook, click on the linked logo in the upper right side of the project card and unlink the company. Change the data source from the existing to Pitchbook. Search for the company name/ logo again, select the appropriate logo and click 'save'
This action can also be taken within the Midaxo Insights section of each project card by clicking the 'edit' pencil.